No Apologies
If you are like me, chances are you may also photograph street signs or at least know someone who does.
For me, street signs make a statement — they assert, they inform, they direct. Read more

Are You an Outdoor Introvert?
This is a good time of year to be an outdoor introvert — when the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing and the sun is shining bright.

Las Pisadas De Tus Tacos
Dejo a cuentas las pisadas de tus tacos en la mesa del bar.
Me quedo con las ebrias ganas de verte nuevamente vestida de desnudez. Read more

How Does It Happen?
There are many questions in the world with only one answer.
That answer is…
It just happens. Read more

Across The Street
Living across the street is easy. I may not have everything I want, but I have everything I need.
To be able to say I have all I need is one of the greater gifts life has ever given me. Read more

What’s On Your Mind?
I often hear people exercising their freedom of expression and this is a good thing. Read more