Facial Expressions
The expressions on faces provide endless hours of study. They can tell a story, pull your strings, or make you smile.

Icy Yorkville
A light wind carrying snowflakes chilled the exposed skin of the crowd that had gathered in Yorkville. In fact, the Yorkville IceFest, in full shivery swing, had attracted quite a turnout.

Channel in the Harbour
Industrial settings may provide a certain photographic appeal. The ship channel carved into the Port Lands proposed a few subjects for images: a large vessel called the Canadian Miner, tall blanketed piles on one side of the channel, and a bascule bridge crossing the channel.

Allan Gardens Conservatory
A quick escape to an oasis in the dead of winter comes true with a visit to a nearby conservatory, such as the Allan Gardens Conservatory. Take a stroll through a greenhouse garden in a crystal palace.

Coffee Time Musings
An early morning coffee is always a treat. The wooden bench was perfect for enjoying a hot cup outside the coffee shop on Pretoria Avenue. Despite being small, the first sip of coffee carried a jolt of taste.

Puddle Pictures
What sort of photography can be conceived on a grey February day? Puddle pictures of course. The wet sidewalk lead the way from one puddle to another.

Hungry for Colour
By Stéfan.
There are easy ways to satisfy a prismatic appetite. Bursts of saturated colours leap from the stands of markets selling edible and decorative goods. Read more

Glen Manor Drive Lakefront
When the motivation to go trekking is benumbed by winter, consider heading to a compelling place. The frosty lakefront at the foot of Glen Manor Drive can double as a setting for a miniature arctic expedition. Read more

Winter Wind
By Stéfan.
The thermometer suggested above freezing temperatures but it did not factor the northwest winter wind. It was important to factor the wind given its stinging power. Yes, it was cold.

Winchester Street Pigeons
Spanning less than a kilometre long, Winchester is a short street in Cabbagetown. It’s a great place to hang out. Pigeons were doing just that in fact – hanging out on Winchester Street. Read more