Leave The Suitcase At Home

Now that we have begun a new year, it seems the perfect opportunity to let go of that suitcase you carry around.
We all carry extra baggage whether we like it or not — but we must keep moving forward — and what better way to keep moving than with a lighter load.
Some may argue that there are attachments and experiences buried deep inside that suitcase; experiences that help shape who we are today. But if you don’t unpack, you may never be able to refold and add new emotions and adventures to your life.
Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.
Deborah Reber
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Merci Carlos pour ce post . Cela concerne tout le monde il faut savoir petit à petit alléger son bagage , à quoi sert de nous encombrer, il suffit d’une belle paire de chaussures er quelques habits, une petite pomme pour faire le chemin, il suffit d’y croire . La lumière est à l’intérieur .Belles illustrations .