Name That Tune
I heard that a Brazilian composer came across a photo of birds on electrical wires and wrote a song based on the position of the birds on the wires.
The Yellow Fire Hydrant
It is such a cliché, but we have all felt the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
Golden Light
I am very attracted to golden light. The view of the Toronto waterfront was captured on an early morning shoot when the sun started to illuminate the city and made Queen’s Quay Terminal shine like gold.
Pink Mornings
Do you remember the movie Pretty in Pink, staring Molly Ringwald? Yeah, that movie… the one where Jon Cryer from ‘Two and a Half Men’ plays Duckie.
My First Time
Do you remember your first day of school? Or the first time you when to the train station? Some first times you never forget, just like I will never forget my first time posting on this blog.