
Don’t Be Square Doodle 037
I use to be naive and believe that this age of information was going to be a panacea. I thought access to the Internet, this limitless source of all sorts of information, would help spread knowledge.
What I observe, however, is the inability to adequately assess information. Most of what the Internet produces is not properly vetted as it use to be when physically published. It now falls upon the reader to assess the information. Yet, the critical thinking required to vet information has not been taught along with the other basic units of education.
We must strengthen our ability to synthesize the essence of information.
We are approaching a new age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill… it demands a broader vision, capabilities in critical thinking and logical deduction without which we cannot have constructive progress.
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Synthesis • Don’t Be Square Doodle 037
Merci de cette synthése personnelle Stefan L’information trop abondnte tue l’information. Nous sommes abreuvés de mots dont nous ne svons pas quoi faire et ils s’enchainent les uns aux autres. Il faut savoir faire le tri pour avoir le bon mot. Ouvrez les fenêtres et regardez ailleurs, la vérité est devant vous quand vous êtes sur les lieux , si non prenez un dictionaire alors là faites attenntion de ne pas le faire tomber .