The Herb Garden

The herb garden expanded nicely this summer.
Because I’m several steps ahead in the plan of the garden that lives in my head, I often overlook the beautiful pockets of established oasis already spread throughout the garden.
The herb garden, not only pleasant to the eye, is already producing a good quantity of herbs and herbal teas that I’ve been preserving using my dehydrator. Generally, I aim for simplicity and the use of fewer appliances, but I must admit that I sincerely appreciate and make excellent use of my Excalibur dehydrator.
Even with this young herb garden, I have already produce harvests large enough to become self-sufficient: winter savoury, orange thyme, lemon balm, parsley, sage to name a few. I also have produced good crops of another dozen herbs that will no doubt produce self-sufficient amounts next year.
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Le jardin a évolué depuis la dernière fois. Il s’est étendu deci ,delà .Le jardin d’herbes aromatiques a produit moult tisanes et autres herbes ; mélisse, thym orange, persil . L’imaginaire du créateur est pluriel. L’important est de pouvoir le visualiser .J’ai trouvé beaucoup de plaisir à lire le post et admirer les illustrations. Merci Stefan.
That’s an amazing!! Your garden is beautiful and a credit to your hard work. Be very proud!