Exactness and Neatness

Don’t Be Square Doodle 028
There are times that require perfection. For example, when I edit a medical text or when I prepare my income tax return, my perfectionism comes in handy.
But because I have perfectionistic tendencies, I remind myself to let life throw a touch of randomness my way and I invite the imperfections to tell their own stories.
Exactness and neatness in moderation is a virtue, but carried to extremes narrows the mind.
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gel ink pen
Bristol paper
15.2 x 15.2 cm (6×6″)
Exactness and Neatness • Don’t Be Square Doodle 028
L’exactitude et la propreté sont des vertus mais rien n’empêche la transgression sinon on ne fait plus appel au hasard , à la coîncidence. Quel joli doodle fait de camaieux de différentes couleurs .
Merci Joëlle. Vous m’apprenez des mots… camaïeux… super!