I Love Blog Evolution

I always found the concept of evolution so beautiful and logical. It’s because of evolution that we live in such awe-inspiring diversity on Earth.
I love plants and I love animals – from lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my.
Just like on Earth, evolution can also be observed in this very blog. Let’s have fun going over this evolution so far, even if it’s short.
From the beginning, CASLworks was a joint project. After Carlos and I had both equipped ourselves with upgraded cameras and had begun experimenting with personal websites, we decided that we should join forces. We felt that combining our efforts would pay off by way of synergy. The name we came up with is based on our initials — CASLworks — simple, but it works.
I chuckle when I recall the tagline we used at the beginning. It was — CASLworks Image Factory. You see, CASLworks began as a photoblog. It took no time for us to see that photoblogging only offered half of the potential of a website. Within a few months, CASLworks evolve into a virtual space in which words held as much power as the images. We shed the ‘photo’ prefix to become A Blog.
With our enlarged view of CASLworks, an updated tagline replaced our first one. CASLworks became the purveyor of “visual tidbits with a side of words.”
The benefits of collaboration was further strengthened with the addition of a female voice — that of Francine. Francine writes on several topics and has become our resident Fibre Artist. The addition of Francine to CASLworks came naturally since sensibilities, aesthetics and ideology blend well between each of the contributors.
Our collaboration also evolved on side-projects which have led to our Shop. The purpose of this shop is to share some of our creativity and art projects with you while raising a bit of funds to sustain CASLworks which remains a passion-driven project for all of us. We all have “regular” lives and tend to CASLworks on the side. We sincerely appreciate all the support we have received. Thank you very much.
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Despite the several changes evolution has brought to this blog over the last 3 years, it has always been and remains a creative outlet. Creativity is at the core of CASLworks. We believe in the enriching potential of creative pursuits. Our tag line has changed to better reflect our core.
CASLworks • A Blog Celebrating Creativity
Lions and…
tigers and…
Oh, my!
Toujours très heureuse de vous lire et admirer les illustrations . Je me laisse prendre au jeu du jardin , desdoodles, du street art ( que j’apprécie beaucoup ) . Francine apporte la touche féminine , très agréable avec les petits bonnets . L’atout charme est présent à chaque post, on attend la suite avec impatience. Merci encore pour cette franche historique de CASLworks.
Comme vous êtes gentille Joëlle. Merci.