Snowmen Noses

This year, I grew carrots, or snowmen noses, for the first time.
I had a packet of seeds for a heirloom variety called Nantes coreless carrots. I have never planned on planting carrots, and I didn’t even purchase this packet; it was a little freebie packet that I received because I placed a large order with a good seed provider. I had been keeping this packet for a few years just in case I would eventually want to plant carrots.
But before I continue talking about the snowmen noses, I wanted to remind you of some of my gardening philosophies.
One of the concept I enjoy is mixing things up, not being so dichotomous. I don’t have a vegetable garden on one side and a flowerbed on the other. It’s mingled together. This idea perhaps started with the tomatoes that I planted as a hedge along the iron fence.
In an offhand manner, I sowed the carrot seeds in the circular garden.
The reason is that my large circles of lavender and chives were newly established and were planted far apart enough for them to grow into their dedicated spots in a year or two. This meant that, this year, these baby perennials were dwarfed by the other plants in the garden.
In an improvised manner, I attempted to remedy the situation by delicately dropping a thin row of carrot seeds between the circles of lavender and chives. Of course, next year, the lavender and chives will both be larger thus not requiring this middle row of carrots.
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I made sure to water this garden very well in order for the new perennials to settle in nicely and for the carrots to grow well.
I have already shared how well the lavender did but the carrots were also a success. Now that you understand my reason for planting the carrots, you can revisit and notice the wonderful delicate carrot leaves in the photos of the post about the circular garden. They were a perfect temporary green addition.
But, the success also grew downward. I have pulled a real bounty of carrots from this garden the other day.
So, this bounty of carrots means that I am either going to have a bounty of snowmen this year, or that I am going to have a bounty of pickled and canned carrots. I predict it will be the latter.
Pourquoi ce légume d’une couleur orangée devrait être méprisé . Il demande peu de soins et resiste aux gels . On peut le déguster dans les soupes , râpées en salade, mijotés et il n’est pas rare de fabriquer des cakes à la carottes et quel délice pour les lapins. Les carottes peuvent se garder également en tas dans une cave . Merci pour cet intéressant récit ainsi que pour les illustrations.
J’aime beaucoup les carottes. Merci Joëlle.