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October 5, 2013


Please Don’t Dabble and Drive

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Thank you for tuning in for a moment. I have a little suggestion to make and it’s not going to take long at all.

In many jurisdictions, it is not permitted to use a handheld device while driving (yes, we are talking about mobile phones). The reason for this is clear – humans are not as good as they think at multi-tasking. Studies have demonstrated how our driving attention is diminished when handling a handheld device.

You may live in a jurisdiction in which you are still allowed to use a mobile phone while driving, but you are putting yourself AND others at risk by doing so. Plus, I believe this is like the seatbelt issue; it will only take a little while until all jurisdictions are caught up in legislating on this issue.

What I think is worse than talking on a handheld phone while driving is actually taking photos while driving. YES, I have many acquaintances who have done this. Not only do they take the photo clearly showing the driver’s view of the road (often in the fast lane) but they POST the photo online for all to see. When I see this, I hear a little voice inside of me that is mocking them… “Look Ma, no hands…”

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6 Comments Post a comment
  1. joelle fourcroy
    Oct 5 2013

    Très utile récit . On ne prend jamais assez de précaution dans la vie. Prendre le temps de regarder les choses , les admirer sans se bousculer . Le stress quotidien ne pousse pas à la rêverie . Les couleurs se mélangent et la lumière parait blafarde La modération se doit être permanente, prendre les aires de repos pour mieux s’émerveiller de ce qui nous entoure .

  2. Oct 17 2013

    I have been pained to learn so many. I mean Many Many,lives are snuffed out both while driving and also on the road crossings/railway crossing by simply ignoring the disasters awaiting ! All these people knew it is deadly hazardous to engage in mobile talking while their concentration should be on the road ; they not only risked their own lives but involved others lives too to deathly episodes !
    I should say that hands free Mobile conversations invites disasters since their focus on the traffic is distracted ! May the Wisdom prevail !

    • Oct 18 2013

      Yes, let’s hope that wisdom prevails. Thank you for sharing your comment.

  3. Kim
    Oct 18 2013

    I am guilty! Not of talking or texting on mobile devices while driving. I can’t carry on a conversation while driving, even with someone in the vehicle. I was such a young mother I don’t remember how I managed, especially considering my little Houdini boy who escaped from his infant car seat restraints starting at 9 months of age. I’m so grateful for modern infant safety seats, as none of my grandchildren were able to free themselves while I was driving. But there was an incident where one of them screamed as if in great pain, and I almost made a dangerous driving decision … but caught myself before driving into oncoming traffic. I was in a left turn lane, with no place to pull over to check on him, and in my mind, getting to a place to pull over was more important than traffic conditions. But as noted, I caught myself. And it turned out he had only dropped a toy. I also learned to drive in winter on a standard transmission. Driving in winter requires extra care because so many learned to drive in summer, and they never remember how a car handles on snow and ice. I prefer a standard transmission, yet my current car is an automatic. I’ve had it for quite a few years, but it was a difficult adjustment. I kept reaching for the gear stick and had to prevent myself from moving it while driving. It’s only been a couple years that I haven’t had to consciously think, “Do not put your hand on the gear stick while driving.” I still don’t know how to drive with both hands on the wheel except for certain maneuvers. I keep my right hand free… and my eyes constantly scanning the road. So, yes, I snap pictures while driving on slow roads, usually along the river, only if there is no other traffic (with one exception, explained with the post). But I never look at what I’m shooting, and I don’t review the shots until I have arrived at my destination. I also have another technique that I always use for pictures on the fly in the fast lane: My little Houdini child grew up to be a 6’2″ man with long arms … and crop creates illusions 😉 So don’t worry about me being a statistic, my friend … unless one of my grandchildren screams like a monster is attacking him. Then, be very worried.

    • Oct 18 2013

      Well… in your case, Kim, my little inside voice is going to say: “Look GrandMa, no hands.” Pfff. Just kidding.

      I still don’t believe you are a grandparent, you young’n…

      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate it.

      Stay safe my friend!


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