A Creative Day

Last night, I had a vivid dream in bright color. It was filled with radiant red.
Before I continue, you may recall that I love dreams.
Well, this dream was off the wall. It made no sense but was still very pleasant and wonderful.
I was in the middle of a magnificent field on a sunny day. I was painting flower petals in red. After I applied the color, the petals sparkled red in the sunlight. I continued to paint them, one by one, because it felt right and it was peaceful.
When I woke up this morning, it took a few minutes before I remembered this dream. Then I smiled because dreams of creativity in red are followed by days of creative inspiration. I can use some right now to finish a great creative project.
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I love the color red.
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Quel joli rêve plein de rouge couleur de vie et d’énergie positive.Ce songe a un goût d’Alice au Pays des Merveilles sauf que ‘était les roses que l’on peignait afin de découvrir le chemin de l’adolescence . Bon courage pour le projet artistique. Merci pour le récit et les belles illustrations . Les fleurs ressemblet à de jolis plumeaux ou de grands pinceaux.