It’s a Micro-Orchard

I have a confession to make. I hope you can forgive me.
I have been thinking about matters and have come to the conclusion that “my orchard” may sound pretentious. Being scientific and appreciating precision, I must admit that I do not have a full orchard despite my many posts on this subject.
To be honest, I don’t know how many fruit-bearing plants are required to constitute a full orchard, but as is the case with microbreweries, perhaps the suffix “micro” might be a perfect descriptor that may provide some proportional perspective.
You see, my fruit-bearing plants are thriving on a suburban lot. Mind you, it’s a fair-sized suburban lot, or so I think. Then again, the size of suburban lots can vary greatly across the country. Regardless, I have been creating my fruit garden on a fair-sized suburban lot.
Therefore, I must confess…
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• Grow food, not lawns •
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Quelque soit la grandeur du jardin, il faut savoir apprécier les choses . Lorsqu’on y met le coeur il nous apparait plus grand que les autres . Il suffit d’un petit cerisier pour produire quelques baies bien rouges ui viendront enrichir la table et un fraisier au pied . Les fleurs sont installées en suspension et retombent , donnant une jolie guirlande vertes et colorées . Chacun a droit a son petit arpent afin d’enrichir une petite vie qui ne demande qu’à s’élargir pour embellir l’existence de chacun de nous . Merci pour les jolies photos et post bien écrit .
Merci Joelle. Vous êtes sage et sensible.