Doodle 11 of 95

Sketchbook Project – Page 11 – “Shatter”
(gel ink, metallic gel ink)
Poetic methods work better in certain circumstances…
You may break, you may shatter the vase, if you will, / But the scent of the roses will hang round it still. ~Thomas More
[The sketchbook project is explained in this post.]
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You are a true artist Stefan…Awesome collection of doodles and quotes. Very inspirational.
I agree with Carlos.
How big are the pages for your doodles?
Do you do the doodles while you are in a specific place like an artist with their studio?
Thanks Sherry. It’s a “tiny yellow sketchbook” that measures 8.9 x 12.7 cm (3.5″ x 5″). I doodle here and there, including the studio, but also in front of the TV, on the dining room table…