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November 2, 2012


Second Chances

Architectural shot, Toronto 2011-05-18

There are times when I get a very strong urge to clean up and get rid off all the extras in my life.

During these uncontrollable impulses, I often delete all of the unwanted photographs cluttering my e-library.

But just when I am about to click the delete button, I remember the reason I have kept all of those unwanted photos. We all need second chances in life.

Remember…beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
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Glass towers in Toronto 2011-05-18

Glass towers in Toronto 2011-05-18

Architectural shot, Toronto 2011-05-18

Architectural shot, Toronto 2011-05-18

Looking through glass, Toronto 2011-05-18

Looking through glass, Toronto 2011-05-18

1 Comment
  1. Nov 8 2012

    I love these photographs. Straight lines going all directions. Awesome.

    Everyone gets 2nd, 3rd, 4th…way too many chances from me. Eventually, I have to love myself enough to give myself a chance. Wonder why that is so hard for me to think of myself? Hmmm…I guess I will eventually figure it out.

    I’m glad you didn’t delete these photos. They are very nice.

    I still wish I could catch a butterfly picture like you did in the other post. LOL

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