Coast of Chile Collection
By Stéfan.
Chile is a beautiful country. And like all beautiful countries, it’s a photographer’s dream.

Man on Water
By Carlos.
If I was a Super Hero I would definitely want the power to walk on water, especially after experiencing near drowning more than once in my life.

Water Abstract Photography
Water and light… just the perfect formula to create abstract photography.

Black and White
By Carlos.
I grew up believing we write our own destiny, but I was never much of a writer until I discovered blogging.

Float Away
When I’m absorbed in one of my passions, all my worries and stress float away. It’s good. It’s really good.

Pursuit of Happiness
By Carlos.
So many of us are in pursuit of happiness every day of our lives. I personally think happiness surrounds us when we become self-aware.

What’s Your View?
Photography adds to my enjoyment of life. It allows me to catch a moment, to freeze a scene, to stop time. The photos I take reveal my view of the world.

The Right Amount of Light
I love to shoot light when it shines over water. It creates a multitude of unique abstract images and a world of possibilities.

Saint Lawrence River
Ah, pedal boats. I have a memory of pedal boating and the moment being associated with swans… or was it a dream?