![Hidden in the shadows [Dorval 201302-16]](http://caslworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/IMG_2009-Version-2-2013-02-16-at-16-42-20-175x150.jpg)
Hidden in Your Shadow
We all feel insecure from time to time. At certain moments, we may even need extra assurances. Read more
![Are you waiting for people to pass by? [Dorval 2012-10-08]](http://caslworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/DSC_0582-Version-2-2012-10-08-at-15-03-32-175x150.jpg)
Looking Out the Window
My dogs are always looking out the window. They spend so much time looking out the window that I wonder if they wish they were somewhere else. Read more

Be Spontaneous
Sure, to-do lists are great, but there is something worthwhile about being spontaneous.

Small Things
I let myself get touched by small things. Sometimes, I even get excited by small things.

Morning or Night?
A common way to simplistically categorize individuals is to ask the following question: are you a morning or an evening person?

What’s Your Klout Score?
There is so much talk of how influential we are on social media. It makes me think about people with low self esteem.