Sharing Your Wisdom
One of the most important roles we have being part of humanity is to share what we know. Read more

Monkey Love
I have been loved in many ways. I have been loved as a brother, as a friend, as a neighbor. Read more

New Neighbors
I have new neighbors. In fact, they are moving in at this very moment. Read more

Breakfast Included
I had some friends who came to town to visit. They insisted on staying at the Bed & Breakfast just around the corner.

Carving My Life
By Carlos.
It has been a while now since I started molding my life into what it is today. It has not been an easy task.

Haiku Flashback 2
By Stéfan.
This Haiku Flashback touches on fireworks, hangnails and post-it notes.

Animals in the Backyard
It’s good to let the animals roam in the backyard, to dillydally, and to get a bit of stimulation. Often times, I sit there with them and enjoy the moment.

Not a Trojan Horse
There are many stories about horses. As a young boy, I was captivated by this wonderful animal and loved hearing stories about them.

A Few Ants
We have a few ants around the yard. I suppose everyone does. But this year, they seem pretty large.