A More Peaceful World
It’s a great afternoon for me when I stumble on a wall full of street art. I love street art!
The incredible amount of creativity that is poured on these walls mesmerizes me. Read more

I Dream of Butterflies
Every time I have a dream in which I am visited by a butterfly, I seem to notice peace and kindness around me.
It’s as if the butterfly was delivering a message of promised goodwill. Read more

Oh! New Supplies?
I’m sure you have felt the rush that follows receiving new supplies for your creative project. Read more

A Scene So Peaceful
The days get shorter, one by one
in time they leave you, midnight sun Read more

Aren’t Sunflowers Suppose To Be Yellow?
After hearing “aren’t sunflowers suppose to be yellow?” too many times, we, the mahogany sunflowers, wish to make a public declaration: