The Petals Opened Up Today
By Stéfan.
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The Little Things
We often think of and dream about the big events, the special days, the momentous times. Some of us even define our lives according to these big events.

Finding the Real You
Finding one’s true identity is a process we all go through in life, but this is not an easy task. There will be many choices we have to make in order to become the person we want to be.

Your Frozen Moments
By Carlos.
There have been many instances throughout my life that I wanted to remember forever, and others that I wanted to forget.

Flowers of Chile
By Carlos.
I was introduce to gardening at a very early age. In fact, watering the garden was one of my daily chores during spring and summer time in Chile.

In Its Own Way
Who is responsible for labeling what is beautiful? It’s a simple question, don’t you think?

Flower Collection
By Carlos.
There are so many memories I keep very close to my heart and the love of flowers is one of them.

Blooms of Summer
Don’t you love this time of year? It’s the first part of the summer and many plants are in full bloom.

Beds of Blossoms
For quite some time, we have been waiting for spring. Well, here it is. Shall we celebrate with a few photos of beds of blossoms?

Allan Gardens Conservatory
A quick escape to an oasis in the dead of winter comes true with a visit to a nearby conservatory, such as the Allan Gardens Conservatory. Take a stroll through a greenhouse garden in a crystal palace.