Jack Layton 1950 – 2011
By Carlos.
Today is a sad day for Canadians. Jack Layton is no longer with us. He was a great Canadian politician, a leader and a fighter.
Swimming Against the Current
When the going gets tough and good things are not happening to us, it almost feels as if we were falling apart.
By Stéfan.
I usually have a good sense of direction. But on this particular outing in High Park, I tried to get lost. I wanted happenstance and the unknown to guide me through the large park.
Carving My Life
By Carlos.
It has been a while now since I started molding my life into what it is today. It has not been an easy task.
A Trip to Zürich
By Stéfan.
The workers in the fine chocolate shop, I mean extra-fine chocolate shop, seemed to be wearing smiles all the time.
The Wind in Your Life
By Stéfan.
Navigating through our lives is a little like navigating on beautiful blue water.
Renaming Cars
By Stéfan.
Isn’t it funny how we sometimes remember insignificant moments from our past? I was looking at some photos I had taken of older cars and it brought me back to a time when I was kid.
Flowers of Chile
By Carlos.
I was introduce to gardening at a very early age. In fact, watering the garden was one of my daily chores during spring and summer time in Chile.