Winchester Street Pigeons
Spanning less than a kilometre long, Winchester is a short street in Cabbagetown. It’s a great place to hang out. Pigeons were doing just that in fact – hanging out on Winchester Street. Read more

Toronto Necropolis
A captivating corner of Cabbagetown is the Toronto Necropolis, one of Toronto’s oldest and most historic cemeteries. It was opened in 1850 in order to replace a Potter’s Field which was located in what is now the Yorkville district. Read more

Glass Surfaces
During a roundabout journey on another cold day, the blue winter sky had us peering up and enjoying the many gleaming glass surfaces in downtown Toronto. Bay, Dundas and Church Streets all offered sights in which glass played an important role. Read more

Distillery Historic District
By Stéfan.
The Distillery Historic District is a great place to visit for inspiration. At the heart of this sector sits the old Gooderham and Worts Distillery Complex. According to this district’s official website, by 1877, the Gooderham and Worts Distillery had become the largest distillery in the world.

Ashbridge’s Bay Park
According to the City of Toronto, “Ashbridge’s Bay Park was named after Sarah Ashbridge, a Quaker widow and United Empire Loyalist from Philadelphia who settled here in 1793 and obtained a Crown land grant in 1799 for a farm.”