Centre Ville

It appears that when living downtown one has less time to enjoy nature.
Fortunately that is not the case when you live in Montréal.
A trip to centre ville is enough to make you fall in love with this wonderful city.
I have never had so much fun as in Montréal.
I taught the kids french, I baby-sat, I went to school, I was a receptionist at a hairdresser’s, I danced and drank all night.
I found that the more you do, the more you have time to do…It’s weird, non?
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Emmanuelle Beart
Quelques mots écrits , nous donnes envie d’aller faire un séjour à Montréal . L’atmosphère a l’air chaleureuse bien qu’il y fasse froid l’hiver. La chaleur semble être à l’intérieur de chaque personne . Merci Carlos pour ce beau récit et les magnifiques illustrations .