The Big Picture

Doodle Deliberation 003
As I get older, it gets easier, one step at a time.
During day-to-day life, we swim in layers of intentions, perceptions and perspectives.
We can get fooled by these layers, particularly when emotions wash over us in waves.
But as I get older, I am starting to understand how the big picture is an important tool in wading through the layers of day-to-day life.
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You see, the big picture bridges much of these layers by getting you to see overall currents and patterns. Since priorities and values are revealed by the currents and patterns of behaviour, you can easily see the big picture through the ripples of our behaviours.
Keep an eye on the big picture.
gel ink pen
100% cotton watercolour paper
12.5 x 18 cm (5×7″)
The Big Picture • Doodle Deliberation 003
Merci Stefan pour cet intéressant doodle fait d’imbrication de lignes et de formes colorées de vert , violet et noir . Nous sommes à la fois être et paraitre, fait de mouvements. Notre silhouette est une partie mais nos gestes et os actions nous définissent . Merci pour cesurprenant récit.