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I love cooking. In fact, I have always loved cooking.
When I was a teenager, during that last summer before I became old enough to work, I took advantage of a quiet period left by having outgrown playing as I had during previous summers. So I spent many afternoons baking.
I taught myself to make cookies, squares, cakes. I even remember making soft caramel candies that I had cooked up from scratch with sugar, butter, cream… I recall them being very delicious, but of course, I could be reconstituting this memory to suit my narrative.
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Regardless, I love cooking and these aren’t just caramel-coated words.
Quelle jolie petite histoire : un souvenir d’apprentissage pour apprendre à faire des gâteaux et des bonbons . Quel agréable moment passé à cuisiner, moi, c’était enfant , toute petite pour faire plaisir à tout le monde surtout aux parents . Merci Stefan de ce joli coup de crayon .