Purple Passion Flower

I had purchased a package of Passiflora incarnata seeds, or purple passion flower if you prefer, because I wanted to challenge myself.
Would I be able to keep this type of vine in this temperate climate? Since it’s not hardy enough for this area, I would have to treat a passion flower plant like a greenhouse specimen.
Last year, I was able to coax one of the seeds to sprout. Throughout the summer, it grew well, albeit slowly, in a special sunny spot on the deck. Once fall arrived, I brought the plant inside where it assumed a featured spot in my light garden.
Unfortunately, in the middle of winter, I found spider mites on the plant. These unwelcome guests were quickly devastating the plant. In an attempt to save it, I applied a generous amount of insecticidal soap.
I began preparing myself to lose the plant since, in a short period of time, I witnessed all of the leaves, except one, fall unceremoniously. The vine looked so pitiful with its single leaf.
There was good news after a few weeks; I noticed little shoots appearing all over the vine branches. By spring, the plant had bounced back nicely. I repotted it and returned it to its sunny spot on the deck.
I must say that this plant had surpassed any and all expectations I could ever have of this once pitiful plant. It is now covered in luscious green leaves.
… And, it even flowered.
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Merci Stefan . Joli post au sujet d’une passiflore sauvée par vos soins donne l’envie de rendre service à tout le monde. Comme quoi il suffit d’un gentil regad, d’une petit effleurement de mains et d’une belle couche de crème pour relever une petite plante bien malade et attaquée méchamment par de vilaines petites bêtes . Jolie passiflore ou fleur de la Passion , une petite rescapée de la serre à poser soigneusement sur le bureau.
It bloomed to thank you for your nurturing! 😉