My Father The Artist

My father worked long days constructing skyscrapers downtown, restoring heritage homes, or even, occasionally, building bridges.
Yes, my father was a construction worker, but I saw him as an artist. He loved building things – he loved creating – and he loved bridging unrelated ideas as many artists do.
“The world is under constant construction” he used to say, “just like human beings are. There will be times when we have to make adjustments to avoid everything crashing down.”
My father’s poetic advice has always been precious to me.
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When I say artist I mean the man who is building things – creating molding the earth – whether it be the plains of the west – or the iron ore of Penn. It’s all a big game of construction – some with a brush – some with a shovel – some choose a pen.
Jackson Pollock
L’artiste est en chacun de nous . C’est la passion que nous mettons dans notre vie pour la façonner comme nous en avons envie sans nous pervrtir e sans l’influence des autres. Quelle jolie histoire ce passage de mémoire d’un père à sa fille , l’admiration qu’on lui porte nous conduit à désirer la bâtir aussi bien que possible. Merci Francine.