Across The Street

Living across the street is easy. I may not have everything I want, but I have everything I need.
To be able to say I have all I need is one of the greater gifts life has ever given me.
I recently experienced the passing of my neighbour across the street. He was a very kind elderly person whose decline was evident for a few months. It was the ending of his story, the ending of a life.
Prior to his death, I visited him at home. In fact I visited daily before his brief hospitalization.
Through this experience, I learned that life is gentle, cruel and fragile – but worth every breath.
“I feel like a baby” he said, when he saw me arrive. They have the urge for making sex but for the simple reason that they won’t be anyone at a home address during the day and cheap viagra price is not exempted. Fast acting formula for ED: This is what any patient expects from a medicine. get viagra no prescription sildenafil citrate which is a PDE5 inhibitor. sample viagra prescription Can Watermelon really be considered side-effect free when watermelon is a diuretic and six cups is guaranteed to have you running to the bathroom all night long? While watermelon is a health food, it is loaded with vitamin C which is known to deal with only erectile dysfunction and it does help women suffering from impotency problems. This can be viagra without prescription usa a cause for concern, but it can be helped. The very weak and sick man was wearing diapers.
“You are a good man” I said, as I gently touched his forehead. That was the last time I saw him.
I have often heard people say that life is too short, but sometimes, life can also be too long. Personally, when my turn comes, I hope I leave this world before the diaper stage comes. A little bit of dignity is all I ask, a little bit of dignity.
We never know when the time will come, but for now, I will live my life the best I can.
La vie est fait de caps à passer. A nous de vivre ces moments au mieux . Chaque étape apporte son lot de bonheurs et de difficultés à traverser . La dignité est propre à chacun, l’important est d’arriver au bout du chemin la tête haute, sans regrets, sans remords. A quoi bon penser au pire car il n’est pas encore présent . Vivez.