What Is The Unknown?

I might never know everything about life, but the greatest knowledge of all is to know that I will never know everything.
For that I am grateful.
Being able to accept and recognize what is tangible is the only reality I have.
For that I am also grateful.
I don’t presume to say you are wrong, but to live and hope for illusions is not how I want to live.
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The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.
Charles Darwin
Merci Carlos pour ce récit et les illustrations. Je suis d’accord, certains croient tout savoir mais on ne connait rien de la valeur des choses . Il reste à s’émerveiller et à apprendre et réapprendre, à découvrir , ne pas s’accrocher à ce que l’on connait déjà mais savoir poser son regard sur toute chose et être et se sentir libre d’accepter .