Did You Fail Your Lesson?

Don’t Be Square Doodle 016
Education has failed in a very serious way to convey the most important lesson science can teach: skepticism.
David Suzuki
Skepticism is a concept that I am finding more and more important.
Skepticism is knowing how to process information. We are all exposed to too much information now that the Internet has spread and become heavy with exponentially increasing amounts of data. If you don’t know how to process this information, you don’t become wiser despite all the “new facts” you have seen.
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Did You Fail Your Lesson? • Don’t Be Square Doodle 016
L’important est de savoir stocker ces leçons et en faire profiter les autres, apprendre à s’enservir pour les bonnes choses et non pour les mauvaises . Un divan n’est pas nécessaire à tout le monde . Le bonheur et le plaisir est à découvrir pour tout le monde.
Merci Joëlle.