Pantry Pleasures

This was the first year I preserved a bounty big enough to set up a pantry.
I never thought much of pantries in the past, but now that an orchard has popped up around the residence, this pantry is becoming a magical little corner.
We have been enjoying perfect pickles, simmered tomato sauce, and the spicy bite of wonderful hot peppers… just to name a few delicacies that came from the garden. As we have been relishing these preserves, we have been able to reminisce about summer days spent in the orchard.
This dreaming about summer has me thinking of the garden plan for this year. I will soon have to start some seeds if I want to repeat the successes of last year. I have ordered seeds for tomatoes, cucumbers and hot peppers the other evening. It took me longer to fall asleep that night because I was excited.
Yes — I am a garden nerd.
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And — I am a saucy sauce-maker.
Le récit est alléchant j’ai eu plaisir à le lire et penser au futur jardin qui s’étalera petit à petit sur nos pages pour que nous en profitions aussi . Le temps passe et nous sortirons de l’hiver ragaillardi et plein de projets en tête pour embellir le jardin de nos rêves. Merci Stefan . Belles illustrations, on y achèterait volontiers quelques pots de conserves.
Merci Joëlle. Et oui, j’espère bien pouvoir partager quelques images et idées inspirées du jardin et du verger. Je trouve cultiver la terre une activité enrichissante à plusieurs niveaux.