What Grows Naturally

This summer was terrific for gardening.
The main focus of the gardening efforts of this year were to expand and create garden beds… many, many of them.
In one sense, this is the beauty of a “virgin” property, or one in which plain lawn covers nearly everything – you can create your own garden beds wherever you want. But, the down-side of many new gardens is that it can cost a lot to plant and fill them all.
Of course, you already know that I developed a bad case of sowing insanity earlier this summer and that my stash of seeds is always growing. But is there another way to gain more plants without spending much other than growing plants from seeds?
After my successful cultivation of woodland strawberry plants that I lifted from the front lawn, I looked around to see what other plants grow readily on the property. Yes, I looked at the “weeds” growing about. Weeds are, after all, simply plants growing where you don’t want.
If you can learn to identify some of the weeds, you may find some great plants that can be planted in properly designed garden spaces. You can easily end up with so many plants for no cost – and with plants that you know grow well on your property.
Would you like to hear some other examples of my “weeds” that I have turned into permanent residents of certain gardens?
Well, there is creeping sedum that grows everywhere in the front lawn in addition to the wild strawberries. This is another plant that barely survives and does not thrive when interspersed throughout the grass.
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This creeping sedum will create a wonderful ground cover between the stepping stones that make their way around the garden bed frames of the herbary.
I can’t wait to see how they look next year once they grow more and spread out. Creeping sedum creates beautiful green carpets.
In addition to woodland strawberries and creeping sedum, plenty of lemon balm grows wild here and there… and over there.. and there.
Of course they sprout in the most awkward places and don’t seem to pay attention to my garden design. Yet again, I have simply lifted young lemon balm seedlings and planted them where I wanted them. I have ended up with two great patches of fragrant lemon balm. Mmm!
If ever you end up in a situation like me where you have a great need for many new plants, think of what grows naturally. It’s nature talking to you.
Watch out for those “naturals”.. always look them up to be sure they’re not invasive…Try to encourage native plants. I speak from the experience of cultivating “natural” volunteers such as Asian Raspberries (Wineberries) and Multiflora Roses before I knew better..
Good point Cindy.
Being a self-learner, I take hours to identify plants (what a nerd). I should have elaborated a bit more with respect to this line: “learn to identify the weeds.”
Thank you Cindy. Have a great evening.
J’aurais aimé penser au jardinier de mes rêves mais l’écrivain fait rêver également . Le jardin, toutes ses plantes, toutes ses mauvaises herbes gardent une magnifique place et les emplacements sont superbement respectés . On sent les arômes et les parfums. Il suffit de songer pour qu’il existe vraiment . Merci Stefan . Très belles illustrations .
C’est à moi de vous remercier d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire quelques mots encourageants. Bonne fin de semaine!