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September 26, 2013


Please Pass the Grapes

DSC_0402 - Greens

Last week after a trip to the gym, I decided to have a few friends over at my place.

This doesn’t happen too often for several reasons. I am busier than I should be. I am also a bit of an introvert. And, my place is very small.

But really, my challenge when I have friends over is cooking. I am not a good cook.

In fact, the room in the house I try to stay away from is the kitchen… only until I feel hungry of course.

But this time, it all came together easily. I made egg salad sandwiches, placed some red grapes on a plate, chopped up some vegetables, poured potato chips in a bowl, placed wine bottles on the table and voilà – the party was on.

I had a great time and so did my friends. It wasn’t about the food I prepared, it was about spending time with good friends.
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DSC_0400 -Vegetable plate

DSC_0401 -Egg salad

DSC_0402 - Greens

DSC_0403 - Salad

DSC_0404 - food

1 Comment Post a comment
  1. joelle fourcroy
    Sep 27 2013

    Mercci Francine pour ce charmant récit. La meilleure chose est d’être ensemble avecquelques amis et savoir préparer des petits légumes et des fruits ensembles et vous ajoutez un pot de compotes au caramel . C’est fou comme cela me ressemble . Les photos illustrent parfaitement l’histoire;


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