Linden Flower

I remember hearing the word linden before, but I knew very little about linden trees until this summer.
As I have been exploring the world of herbal teas and medicinal plants, I have come to learn about the linden tree.
What was special was first learning about linden flowers through Carlos. He told me of his memories picking linden flowers with his mother and being served “agua de tilo” or water of linden flower when he was sick. Infusions of linden flower have been used for a very long time as an herbal tea believed to have medicinal value.
But the best part is that linden flower tea actually tastes great.
While no linden tree grows on the orchard and herbary, there are several large linden trees by the lake. Because of our daily walks by the lake, we were able to witness the blooming of these linden trees. We harvested a good quantity of linden flowers – at their peak.
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This harvest has been carefully washed, dried, stored and labelled. I am beginning to feel like an apothecary.
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Joli texte sur la découverte de ces jolis et parfumés tilleuls . Ce sont de lointains souvenirs de ma grand-mère et de toutes les potions qu’elle fabriquait imprudemment dans des pots bien fermés . Ces fleurs de tilleul viennent parfois se mélanger au jus de citron pour une boisson désaltérante et sédative . Merci pour les illustrations .