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July 6, 2013


Is That Your Specialty?

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What is your specialty? … Ahem — what is your specialty?

Perhaps I spoke in too low of a voice or my words were not properly enunciated. My friend, what is your SPECIALTY?

Hmmm. I find it particular that you keep echoing me with the last word of my question with an inflection that implies it’s an answer.

Aaah… you’re not saying “specialty” but “special tea.”

I see, “special tea” is your specialty. Got it.

Like most people, I talk to myself. Unlike most people, I sometimes misunderstand myself.

With the quick turnaround of the Apple repair in Scottsdale, you should be able to get your libido a boost as well as treat the premature ejaculation will occur because the organs haven’t recovered completely. therefore, it’s very important to arrange the sexual life reasonably and avoid excessive masturbation. 10.Attach enough importance to the generic soft cialis daily diet. Many men with low testosterone and cialis no rx also with hypertension may be the victim of erectile dysfunction. The simplest way is the digital rectal examination, in which the doctor insert a gloved finger into the rectum to sildenafil 100mg check the prostate. Here buy cheap levitra “moderate” should be stressed. it is a safe sexual model and can release sexual desire. For a related post, check out the post on my slant.

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  1. joelle fourcroy
    Jul 6 2013

    Ces jolis pots plein d’herbes médicinales ou de tisanes sont de superbes spécialités mais je pssède beaucoup de petits pots en verre afin d’y poser toutes mes idées en vrac et je les ferme comme il faut en serrant bien le couvercle pour m’en servir dans quelque temps . Merci Stefan pour tes jolis textes et les photos .

    • Jul 7 2013

      Oh, j’ai aussi une grosse bouteille en verre pour mes idées en vrac. Cette bouteille est pleine à craquer. Clin d’oeil Joelle!

  2. Aug 20 2013

    I misunderstand myself too, sometimes.
    Jolis bocaux, bon à boire et décoratifs.

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