What’s My Favorite Month?

Well — my favorite month is July. And it is my favorite month by far.
Those of you who know me probably suspect this is so because an important date of mine falls in July. I won’t deny that this reason helps me enjoy this month, but it’s not the main reason.
In my part of the world, July is a period filled with botanical peaks. After the spring rains, early summer is lush.
As a gardener, July is the relatively quiet period following all the planning, preparing, tilling and planting done in spring. It’s a period when the early small crops still leave me waiting until further ripening. Because I look forward to a plentiful harvest for the next few months, I am filled with anticipation.
Later in the summer, much of my time will be consumed with harvesting, preparing, canning, dehydrating, and pickling. I will be busy then.
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But for now, in the relatively quiet period of July, surrounded by beautiful lushness, I will enjoy the early summer.
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Luscious purple petals..but on Long Island July is too hot! I’ll take May anyday 🙂
That makes sense. Thanks for stoping by, chatting and sharing Cindy!
Chacun a son propre mois afin de profiter de son laborieux travail effectué avec amour tout au long du mois de mai . Pour moi, le mois d’août est de loin celui qui m’apporte le plus car fleurs et fruits se mélangent leurs senteur parfumées . Il nous reste qu’à profiter du parfum parfois entêtant des jolies corolles et déguster les petits fruits du jardinet planté. Merci pour cette belle description, et ce post illustré de splendides pétales étalant leur pourpre couleur sur ma page.
It’s your birthday month? wedding anniversary? why is this your favorite month?..
Sincerely, Ms Nosey~