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May 30, 2013


I Admit It!

How has your worldview changed over time?

I am in the midst of a reboot. And, you know… I like it.

Just like a computer that reboots, I have mentally emptied the trash, assimilated my latest learnings, dusted the top of my psychogenic desk, and windexed the screen in my mind. It feels good.

But then, just before I started up again, I took a moment to see if all my software was current. You know, there are always mini-updates that need to be done, even if they are each so small and inconspicuous. Despite their innocuous nature, they remain important to the integrity of the system.

Our cerebral software, our worldview, should also never be static or rigid.

I have noticed that as I grow older, I understand my life better. I see the world with more subtlety. I acknowledge and respect complexity beyond my comprehension.

With the constant assimilation of new, more nuanced information, my worldview has progressively adapted to continue making sense of it all. My worldview has never drastically changed at once. It has only progressively shifted in small and imperceptible increments similar to software mini-updates.

After several decades of many indiscernable clarifications, I have an evolved worldview.

I like rebooting.

What is your worldview?

What is your worldview?

How has your worldview changed over time?
How has your worldview changed over time?

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  1. joelle fourcroy
    May 30 2013

    Très belle façon de se remettre en question. Parfois; il ne faut que repeindre la porte ou la changer , changer la serrure pour posséder une autre clé mais il faut surtout savoir se remettre en question et prendre d’autres nuages pour repeindre son ciel lorsqu’il devient gris et se débarasser de la pluie, et souffler la poussière qui nous encombre ; la terre a besoin d’un peu de repos pour redonner à nouveau envie de féconder son sol; merci pour les photos, la porte doit rester entrouverte pour aérer les idées.

    • May 30 2013

      Merci Joelle. C’est si vrai. La porte doit rester entrouverte pour aérer les idées. Les idées ne peuvent être fraîches là où ça sent le renfermé.

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