You Can Let Go

Sometimes, you hold on and you don’t know why.
It’s probably more out of habit than anything else. You have been holding on for a while and you don’t even remember how long. In fact, you may not even know what you are holding on to. But you keep holding on.
The wind picks up a bit. It feels good. You dangle and sway a bit as you keep holding on.
Then, you hear: “you can let go.”
It feels like the right time to let go. You let go and gently fall to the ground.
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Awesome post Stefan.
Thanks Carlos.
I loooooooooooooooooooooooove leaves of every color!
This post is so appropriate right now in my life. Why do we hold on for so long? I don’t know either. I hold on far too long and letting go is terrifying.
Awesome post.
Thank you. It’s a question that is hard to answer.
Qu’importe les vents et tourments , je m’accroche jusqu’à l’épuisement à l’espoir que la brise arrive enfin pour apporter un léger balancement équilibrant . Je me tiens bien droite , je tiens la route , autant profiter du paysage autour car si je ne regarde pas la route , je prends le risque de m’affaler misérablement sans profiter du banc posé sur le trottoir . Il me regarde en riant , attendant que je m’asseois enfin le rendant utile un instant .