Reliving A Day

If I could relive one day over again, it would be tomorrow.
I wouldn’t pick today because today was a normal day.
I wouldn’t pick yesterday because yesterday was a regular day.
I wouldn’t pick the day before yesterday because that day was an ordinary day.
However, tomorrow has so much potential – I would want to relive it over again. Who doesn’t love potential with a chance to double it?
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Very interesting thought…Tomorrow always brings the “unknown” and has potential. Very nice post, Carlos!
Demain est l’espoir, et il fait vivre et vivre . Demain sera un autre jour . Qu’est -ce Demain sinon l’Avenir,le Futur ce jour où les moments sont à construire et reconstruire mieux qu’avant . Mais il faut savoir que les vieilles feuilles rougies resteront sur le sol mais donnerons de l’humus pour que les choses reprennent vie au printemps.