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September 22, 2012


Mouth Watering

Orange you glad my better half is beside me?

If you ask me what fruit makes my mouth water, the answer would be sweet oranges.

I could eat oranges for breakfast, lunch and dinner for days on end – that is how much I like oranges.

I sheepishly admit having followed an orange diet for a week a very long time ago; I mean decades ago. Every time I felt hungry, I ate an orange, or two, or three. I did loose weight.

I do not recommend following such a silly orange diet. Instead, I invite you to eat an orange a day. It truly feels good.

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Orange you glad I'm symmetrical?

Orange you glad I’m symmetrical?

Orange you glad I'm smiling?

Orange you glad I’m smiling?

Orange you glad my better half is beside me?

Orange you glad my better half is beside me?

  1. Sep 29 2012

    I love cooking with oranges too. They give such a clean, fresh flavor! Yum!

  2. joelle fourcroy
    Jul 12 2013

    Un grand verre de jus d’orange pour se réveiller le matin apporte sa fraicheur et sa saveur sucrée et acidulée . Ce fruit bien colorée ensoleille nos verrres et apporte sa douceur à notre bouche afin de bien débuter une journée et sert de coupe-faim et plein de vitamines à notre organisme . Joli post , merci Carlos .

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