Wanting Less

I wish I wanted less.
We truly don’t need everything we have. We have too much and its curious that we still want more and more. Why?
Do we really need what we think we want? Has our last considerable purchase brought us the happiness we imagined it would? Be honest in answering.
Of course, we do need this and that, but we don’t need all of this and all of that.
I am going to work on wanting less.
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Man, so true. If the world went to hell tomorrow would 99% of what I have in my house make much of a difference? Prob not. We do things to comfort ourselves and those around is, to show off some, and for other unexplained reasons. Living with less is a good healthy goal I think.
You know, in all reality, I have very few wants or desires for things. I’m in the process of a HUGE downsizing and it feels GREAT! I can’t wait to have it all done and gone. There will be so much more space!!!
I have a blast when I throw away stuff that I don’t need [It is ceremonial usually :)] and have made it a point not to buy anything unless I really, really, really need it.