Haiku Flashback 7

By Stéfan.
This flashback touches on milk jugs, cookie jars and open windows.
This post’s unrelated image is of swans being entertained by people. These particular swans were both cultured and demanding; they were requesting recitation of haiku.
Was gone for a while / milk jug left on the counter / spoiled my arrival
22 JUL 2011
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You know that feeling / crumbs all around you and an / empty cookie jar24 JUL 2011
Window wide open / three mosquitoes fly right in / what pain in the neck
24 JUL 2011
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lol cool stuff.
I love swans…elegant, white, mate for life. I’m a sucker for romance LOL
Love, love, love the cookie jar haiku. I have a great visual with it!
Excellent whimsical post!