Perception vs Reality

My perception is not necessarily your reality. This is because our reality is based on individual experiences and how we perceive the world.
For instance, a colour blind individual will not perceive the colour green the same way I do. All realities are unique to each individual.
Who is to say that my green is the same as your green? In the end it doesn’t really matters what the true colour of green is, what matters the most is to share our perception of the world.
Here is my perception of the world.
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Usually i dont let so much comments, but this specially post for me is very significant some years ago , and maybe is a casuality, i was writting something similiar even i choose the green color for talk about the perception very near the same way as you. It’s a surprise and is also great to know that in that point you think as me, just some years after. Great post and great way to think… Thanks for all your support and thanks also for teach, since i follow you i have been learning a lot about your way to tweet. Thanks.
Nice work – I really like the wildflowers Toronto.