Haiku Flashback 4

By Stéfan.
This Haiku Flashback touches on laundry, grass and surfing.
This post’s unrelated image is of a bench found in the arboretum of the Royal Botanical Gardens. I sat on this bench for a few moments. Believe me, this bench is perfect for contemplating haiku.
Many laundry piles / separated by colours / I’m in hot water
09 JUL 2011
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The dry brittle grass / crinkles when I walk on it / big knot in the hose11 JUL 2011
I’m channel surfing / on the waves of TV trash / clean up the oceans
13 JUL 2011
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Very funny! The “big knot in the hose” made me laugh out loud. Too many times I have untangled the knot only to have the sprinkler on the other end drench me!
Love, love, love benches! Great pic.