Saving Time
I often ponder about the past and if I could do it all over again, I would. I also dream about the future and how I want it to be in order to achieve my goals.

Out of the Shadow
By Stéfan.
When I was young, I used to be shy and timid at times. I never wanted to be in the limelight, preferring to be in the shadow.

That Loving Feeling
By Carlos.
There are times when we wake up and there is nothing to wake up for. But in reality, there is; we just don’t feel it.

Passing Through
By Carlos.
I have been very lucky to have had the opportunity to travel and visit people I know in different parts of the world.

Your Frozen Moments
By Carlos.
There have been many instances throughout my life that I wanted to remember forever, and others that I wanted to forget.

A New Leaf
If you feel that there is very little to smile about, then it’s time to take charge of your destiny and go for what you truly want.

Family Patterns
By Stéfan.
I hung up the telephone and it it was exactly like it had always been. Isn’t it funny how patterns weave themselves into our lives?

Dreamers and Creators
My journey through this world has taught me to never stop dreaming, but most of all, to never stop creating.

It’s Good Enough
By Stéfan.
I do believe that we should always do our best. Always. But perfectionism at all cost and at all times is crippling. Sometimes, it’s good enough.

It Always Continues
By Stéfan.
As I get older, I find myself at ease not knowing exactly what lays ahead. I trust the path now, and I just keep walking.