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April 25, 2014


Always Your Choice

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Do you respect traffic lights?

Do you patiently wait for the lights to change?

Most of the time, a little patience is all we need.

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Always your choice!

Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds.

Zig Ziglar

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2 Comments Post a comment
  1. joelle fourcroy
    Apr 26 2014

    Savoir aller à son rythme en changer selon l’humeur du jour, savoir profiter du temps, être heureux de parcourir le chemin quelque soit la façon de le pratiquer. Merci de nous le rappeler.

  2. May 2 2014

    I respect traffic lights when driving. As a pedestrian, I don’t. Here’s why. As a driver, you can kill people. So can others. So it makes sense to participate in a system of rules that keeps people from free-lancing with killing machines. As a pedestrian, the greatest threat is to be run over. And I trust my senses and my judgment more than the the hope that others will be following the rules–and not sleeping, texting, turning around and screaming at kids, etc etc. Put it this way: Would you be more comfortable crossing at a green light as a car speeds toward the red light, or crossing at a red light with no cars in sight?


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