I Have Hope for Humanity

Standing wind-swept by the frozen lake, I realize I have hope for humanity. I am pleased to see a few specific, benevolent winds criss-crossing the world.
We can all agree that these winds have not reached every corner of the world. It is also true that some of these winds become transmuted into breezes in some parts of the world. However, these winds are constant and are slowly gaining momentum. What are these waves I am referring to?
1 — Wave of information and communication — The impact of our information technology, computing potential and the Internet is undeniable. We now have access to resources and information in scope and quantity that would have astounded us a few decades ago. We can now easily communicate with nearly anyone on the globe. It’s unfair that certain regions are still kept under censorship and are prevented from accessing certain information, but the general trend shows that information and communication continues to spread throughout the world. It will not be long before ignorance becomes a choice.
2 — Wave of free thinking — Having access to mountains of information can lead to curiosity and an eagerness to learn. Seeing, observing and noticing what happens in other parts of the world help us better understand our humanity. Questioning is a natural progression of learning, as answers can only produce more questions. I believe we are undergoing a radical period of questioning which is cornering the fringes and highlighting the fundamentalism. The first wave of information and communication is clearly feeding this wave of free thinking.
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3 — Wave of secularism — As our world becomes smaller by virtue of communication and transportation, we must all learn to live together. We are all different. Real freedom of thought, freedom of religion and freedom of speech can only happen when matters of the state and matters of the church are kept separate. This is called secularism. This doesn’t mean an abolition of religion, but simply that the government cannot interfere with anybody’s religion. You have the right to your thoughts, whatever you choose, just as your neighbor has a right to their thoughts, whatever they choose. There is no FREEDOM without secularism.
Not all winds are good, but I view these particular winds as reasons to have great hope in humanity.
En France, la laîcité fait partie de notre constitution et nous sommes tenus de respecter les autres, leurs provenances, différences d’idée et religions . Mais une partie de la populaion reste traditionnelle malheureusement même si l’Europe s’est crée le racisme existe , les lieux de culte ne sont pas respectés.La liberté d’expression est une chose acquise . Il y a du chemin encore à faire pour que tout le monde se tolère . Je crois qu’en bien même à la paix je suis une idéaliste et une rêveuse .
Merci Joëlle. Comme vous, je me crois idéaliste. Ce texte est plutôt une réaction aux folies américaines, un pays, qui comme la France, inclut la laïcité dans leur constitution mais ne comprend pas le concept. C’en est drôle même.