Transcending Boundaries

Don’t Be Square Doodle 012
Science is the most durable and nondivisive way of thinking about the human circumstance. It transcends cultural, national, and political boundaries. You don’t have American science versus Canadian science versus Japanese science.
Sam Harris
As you already know, I love science and I fully agree with Sam Harris.
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Transcending Boundaries – Don’t Be Square Doodle 012
Merci pour le post mais La Science en tout domaine a ses limites , le respect de l’humain, de la Nature . Comme le dirait Montaigne : Science sans conscience n’est que ruine de l’âme . Il manque un peu de rouge mais le Doodle est très joliment réussi .
Vous avez raison Joëlle. Merci!
3 independent examiners of the green dot bring the same rational and objective tools of science to the subject
Thanks Dan. Remember… that green dot is the truth.