What a Quaint Boutique

I am not the biggest shopper. I shop when I need something, but I rarely shop just to shop.
Hmm… That’s not quite true.
I do enjoy boutiques – you know, the quaint boutiques. I love walking into a small shop that ends up being big on surprises due to all the unique and original items they sell.
I think of boutiques as little gems full of creativity. First of all, unique and original goods are born of creativity. A quaint boutique is full of creative goods. What’s more, the creativity from this stock gets amplified because these goods are creatively assembled and creatively displayed. You know those boutique owners are creative people.
I also like to shop online. Shopping from the comfort of my own home is a real pleasure. There is no need to get all bundled up to drive from store to store. I can even sip a nice cup of tea as I peruse e-shops.
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But, may I say that the very best shopping comes from combining both of these ideas ➞ spending time in an online quaint boutique.
Quelle histoire de faire les petites boutiques où l’on trouve tout et rien mais où l’on trouve toujours un petit rien à acheter même un petit bibelot sans importance qui viendra égayer une vieille table en ferraille trouvée au même endroit . J’aime aussi les boutiques en ligne lorsqu’il fait trop froid mais la communication n’est pas la même, manque le vendeur malheureusement . Merci . Belles illustrations! ! !