Aren’t Sunflowers Suppose To Be Yellow?

After hearing “aren’t sunflowers suppose to be yellow?” too many times, we, the mahogany sunflowers, wish to make a public declaration:
We are writing to denounce the stereotyping and discrimination we have encountered.
Just because we aren’t yellow like most of you doesn’t mean we are not sunflowers.
Just because you outnumber us and are afraid of us doesn’t mean we are less flowery than you.
Just because we worship different sun-rays than you doesn’t mean our photosynthesis is any different.
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We are all sunflowers. Please – let’s all stop the stereotyping and discriminating.signed ~ the Helianthus annuus ‘Evening Sun’ tribe
Beautiful photos, Stéfan.
I couldn’t help smiling as it reminded me that the first time I stepped into mahogany sunflowers I thought the same: aren’t they supposed to be yellow?
I can’t remember where I saw them (although I’m almost sure this was not in Europe) but I know that I also thought that they are wonderful, and that I looked them much more than the yellow ones.
Thank you Simon. Hooray for diversity!
Thanks for breaking the stereotype. They are lovely.
Thank you Lorraine. Have a great day.
Hi Stefan,
a very cool thought and so true.
Its exactly about stereotypes, labels, perception and reality. Especially for as a photographer I constantly fight against the misconception that photography ‘records’ what’s in front of the camera – so called reality. The mahogany sunflower will know!
“By grade 3 or 4 we stop visualizing things freely, put word-labels on them instead. By these labels we recognize everything, no longer see anything. We know the labels on the bottles, but never taste the wine” – Frederick Frank
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