Gardening Grows More Than Plants: 10 Things

Of course gardening is about growing plants, but plants are not the only things that grows with tending a garden.
In fact, I can think of 10 things other than plants that grow with gardening:
- Your muscles grow. Yes, gardening is physical activity. I even incorporate specific tasks like little exercise sets that don’t even feel like I am exercising. For example, I fill the 2 large watering cans and walk them over to a particular distant garden border where the hose has a difficult time reaching. When I walk back and forth like this and water with several cans of water, I boost up my step count on my fitness tracker and my arms feel the work of carrying all that water.
- Your patience grows. Gardening is the perfect playground to practice patience. For example, the vision I have for the orchard and herbary will, in fact, take a few years to fully come to life. The great part of gardening is that, in the meantime, it offers other rewards. That’s right; there are always rewards of some sort because of short-term, mid-term and long-term projects that imbed themselves in gardens and continuously offer rewards.
- Your appreciation of life grows. With gardening, you get to observe how fragile life can be – those precious seedlings you forgot to water that wilted and died. You also get to see how resilient life can be – the decimated shrub that bounced back the next season. And most importantly, growing food and the experience this brings helps you understand how only life sustains life.
- Your connection to the earth grows. Gardening feeds your respect for the natural world: the elements, the weather, the ecosystem. We live on one planet and we are nothing but one biosphere. We all benefit by respecting and taking better care of our planet.
- Your time spent doing constructive activities grows. Gardening very often naturally encourages us to spend less time doing sedentary or less constructive activities like watching mindless television or overstaying our time at the computer.
- Your time meditating grows. Indeed, gardening time can be used to meditate. It’s a perfect place and opportunity to practice being zen. When in the garden, you can experience simply being in the moment.
- Your time learning grows. Many of us have little time to learn or read, but you can listen to good podcasts or to audiobooks while you garden. It’s that easy to engage in learning and consume literature while you water the plants, weed a flower bed or tie up your tomato plants.
- The worth of your property grows. A property is enriched by a few mature fruit trees, a manicured perennial garden, an elaborate rose terrace, and several raised garden beds.
- Your pride grows. A sense of accomplishment comes with creating green spaces. If your garden is so designed, your pride can come from growing amazing produce or creating unique and delicious preserves from your bounty.
- And lastly, your happiness grows. Gardening brings you back to healthy basics. It’s a wholesome activity that makes you feel good and happy.
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I love embracing all the growth that comes from gardening.
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Qu’il est bon de jardiner et voir ainsi s’ouvrir des milliers de fleurs de toutes les couleurs .Il suffit de se baisser en pliant les genoux et en se tenant bien droit afin de cueillir quelques florescences qui viennent égayer un grand verre posé sur le bord de la fenêtre restée bien ouverte ;Le pas des passants résonent à travers et le parfum des trois roses embaument le coin d’une petite rue . Merci pour ce post Stefan et les belles illustrations, on s’y croirait .